
Showing posts from March, 2016

LIFE: Make it Simple

LIFE As per me Life is very simple. It has to be seen with a KISS concept (Keep it Simple & Stupid).  The problem is that we people manage the same in such an intricate manner and many a times it ends in a crazy way. When I say crazy means redundantly crazy. The life should be seen as a context of broadening awareness within and it should allow the compassion to flow freely in all its actions.  As per me life is very simple. Everything is in your control except birth & death. But these two determines the essence, value & validity, which we don't have any control.  We all need to understand that the most important thing which happens to us in our life is our LIFE itself. 

Why we afraid of challenges

How can we overcome challenges First we need to analyze whether challenges are part of life. No doubt, it is. Then what is stopping us to face it head on The basic problem with us We all like stability & peace in life. Due to this we often label challenges as a villain. We strongly believe taking challenges often brings troubles in life. At the same time we need everything at the drop of the hat as well. This will never go hand in hand.  What will happen if we don't take challenges in life  If we refrain from accepting challenges in life, the very self-esteem can be at stake. Life will gradually move to a big ZERO if we continue in this fashion.  Take a moment and look at back. Everyone will realize that all such challenges that had happened in our life, which had once knocked us from our feet,  have played a significant role when the life  progresses . Still it is very difficult to digest for us. That's how we have been brought up all these ...