India's Judicial "Pendency"
A whopping 33 million cases are pending across various courts in India. The statistics proves more grim when we realize more than half of them are pending for more than 2 years & over 3.7 million cases (around 11%) are awaiting conclusion for more than 10 years . Considering an involvement of minimum of 2-3 persons per case, justice is delayed OR denied indefinitely to over 50 million peoples of India. What is the ultimate use, if justice is given to someone once the essence of his / her life is over? What's the use, if someone is acquitted or accused after twiddling one's thumb for years together? If this situation continues, our country will have 15 crores pending cases by end 2040. Seems there is a systematic problem with India's judiciary. Why there is a judicial pendency in India? As per me, there are many reasons to it; 1) Increasing criminal cases: We are one of the leaders as far as crimes are concerned. Our ...