Who can deny you “Life?”
Who can deny you " Life" when you have decided to live your life to its fullest potential. Simple steps to do so.... Be a good learner: Friends, Life is very simple …never allow your mind to complicate it. It’s just B & D ie Birth & Death . Now what comes in between is “C” means the Choices . W hat makes life easier , sometimes tougher or in many times crazier is the result of choices we make during this stint. In other words, life is the outcome of our own choices. Most of the times, people make bad choices when they are scared or stressed. But life always gives you chances to repair & recover. Every day is an opportunity for us to born fresh. Life hit hard only those who purposefully & constantly deny their mistakes. So be a good learner. Never live a life in the fear: What are we scared for? Sufferings or fear of death. Are we actually suffering or living in the fear of suffering coming to u...