
Showing posts from May, 2016
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Anti-Tobacco Day : May 31 st

Some facts about smoking: 23% of all adults are smokers.  Smoke from cigarette contains 4800 chemicals & out of those 69 can cause cancers. Average age of those who are using tobacco for the first time is 13 (Really disturbing) Tobacco reduces the life by 14 years.  More than 20 million people have at least 1 disease from smoking Secondhand smoker’s death ratio is 10% to that of firsthand smokers.  It's the only Industry where its customers pays huge profits back to the company for draining their purses.   It’s the only industry where the company with their products, kills their best customers. One side people are trying their level best to enhance the quality of life & on other side some are just spoiling this gifted life.  Someone rightly said “ a cigarette is nothing but a fire at one end, a fool at the other & a bit of tobacco in between”  Never be a fool  There is no specific day like Anti-tobacco day. It’s ...

Stupid Time Management Study by an Indian Corporate !!!!!

This happened to one of my friends who worked with one of India's reputed corporate's.  As the Warehouse In-charge, he was solely responsible for the entire related functions of this warehouse, which is considered as a feeder warehouse & one of most potential.  The hard work & dedication made him the best among the lot. Time passed and workload increases multi fold. When stretching nerves & late hours sitting doesn't suffice, he requested for an assistant who could be a helping hand. Initial response from Boss was an emphatic " NO". He further tried to justify his case with practical issues. But Boss was thinking otherwise. "   Why you need ?. I am getting all reports on time. No complaints from HO. Means all jobs On time".   Yes, Boss is always right. Why helping hand when jobs are on time? That was a profound realization for him. From that day on wards, his routines changed. Office hours restricted to 9.30 am- 5 ...

Who is Richest?

If this question is being thrown to millions across globe, invariably most would give an answer linked to economics .  Means, the man holding maximum stacks of money under his belt would be referred as “Richest” (Is it the bank account balance? or the money stacked in gunny bags…. My skepticism only will grow if I go in to the semantics, which I am least bothered) Does the “Amount of money holding” the right criteria of measuring richness? I call this as the most rudimentary way of looking at.  Why we always link economics, every time we refer to richness & poorness. If money alone can make you richer, why some of such richest have poor health & broken relationships. How come they are not among the happiest.  My two cents worth!!! Why people with aesthetic splendor were not the richest? Why people with incomparable artistic brilliance were not considered as the richest? Why the best scholars were not treated as the richest? Why people ma...

Are you a Stress Human or a Humor Human .. ?

How important is humor to human beings. Some says "it is very essential" while others say "it's OK up to a certain extent". But no one will deny the fact that humor has a paramount importance in our life.  Who likes humor most: Those who love to listen, laugh & smile Who dislikes humor most:  Only those, who love to move towards stress.  My tips to those who love to laugh & smile: Guys, you are on the right track. Humor should be the greatest attribute one should have to lighten the burden of mental stress. Good that you have it.  Laughter can be the best medicine to your body & of course smiling is the most economical way to have a good look. It is not only good for your health, but it also reinforces your relationships with your family & friends.  Humor not only takes one away from sufferings of the world, it also helps to make life possible even in adversity.   Humor also helps you to stay positive and to have optimis...

Family Matters … !

Family is not an important thing. It’s everything . Becoming a family member is absolutely an amazing feeling. It’s equally amazing to be part & parcel of those wonderful moments when all family members join & cherish together. Every member of the family keep the root same, though each member grows in different directions. This uniqueness makes the family fonder & special. It’s the place where we make maximum mistakes & still forgive.  It’s the place where we look real & still have fun. Family teaches the importance of being healthy. It upholds the values of loyalty & helps us enjoy the spirit of life.  As per me, the seven attributes that keep the family life brimming are Love, Sacrifice, Commitment, Respect, Trust, Protection & Guidance . It is the only institution where problems never last too long. It’s the only place where everyone works towards the common objective called LOVE. It’s the only place where every member of the family posses...

International Nurses Day: May 12

Nurses are the ambassadors for  improving health systems resilience.  Your services to the community are undoubtedly the best. You make all the difference in the world with your love, care & dedication.   Of course  this day is special for all the Nurses across globe. We, the Non-Nurses community too celebrate & view this DAY seriously  to make sure we too care, respect & value the services the " Nurses" have been providing all along.  It's in my prayer that may all the care & kindness you give to others come back to warm your heart as well.  Congratulations to one and all on this very special day.  with warm regards, Anil Panicker