Stupid Time Management Study by an Indian Corporate !!!!!

This happened to one of my friends who worked with one of India's reputed corporate's. As the Warehouse In-charge, he was solely responsible for the entire related functions of this warehouse, which is considered as a feeder warehouse & one of most potential.
The hard work & dedication made him the best among the lot. Time passed and workload increases multi fold. When stretching nerves & late hours sitting doesn't suffice, he requested for an assistant who could be a helping hand. Initial response from Boss was an emphatic " NO". He further tried to justify his case with practical issues. But Boss was thinking otherwise. " Why you need ?. I am getting all reports on time. No complaints from HO. Means all jobs On time". Yes, Boss is always right. Why helping hand when jobs are on time? That was a profound realization for him. From that day on wards, his routines changed. Office hours restricted to 9.30 am- 5 pm no matter whether heaven falls. Some actions speaks louder than words. Reports starts getting delayed.... few complaints from Boss started feeling the heat & finally decided to buckled down himself.
Boss wrote to HO & even this request went under the carpet. You know why? because there were "Bosses" above him as well. Indian corporate's national game " Beat around the bushes" was going on for couple of months. This was followed by Hot-Cold technology, which is nothing but keeping such requests in oven & freezer alternatively till it takes a natural death. Even though the continuous follow up infuriated few of them, they decided to act. Management deputed 2 observers to his workplace, who will monitor the whole day activities and prepare a time study report to understand the time consumption for each job. A day was fixed & my friend was asked to perform the duty under the close supervision of HO observers.
Day activities went like this
Observers reached office at sharp 9.30 friend reached 20 minutes late.....some fender bender on roads... whom to blame?. I haven't seen him coming late in my career. That particular day, that happened !! Observer's report stated negative remark about his punctuality. Bling !
Just 3 customers came on that day. This was much low compared to a daily average of 13 to 14. The observers noted this point. Bling !!!
Another daily job was to clear some inward consignments. This was time consuming due to local body duties clearance. That day, no consignments, unfortunately. First time like this in almost 18 months. Bling !!!
Then came cash deposit. Bank was almost 8-9 Kms away. Normally he used to travel in a Rick as both official cars might be invariably be engaged. That day both the cars were intact in the parking lot desperately looking for a drive. Reached bank in less than 15 minutes time. (On an average, looking for a rick & travel to Bank alone requires 40 minutes everyday). One of the observer really lost his cool. Bling IIII
Entered in to bank expecting normal long queues. To his amazement, the cashier was standing outside with a cigarette dangling between his fingers. That day for the first time, he had a full darshan (Look) of the cashier. Normally he could see only his bald head & the stretched out hands. One of the observer look ghastly at him. Bling !!!!!.
When they went back, the observers submitted their detailed report. The report concluded like this....It is surprised to note that Mr. ABC ( My friend), who has got high potential is heavily underutilized.
Action came so fast this time ( No Beating around bushes & no hot-cold technology).
From that day on wards management decided to utilize him to the "fullest"
Dear friends, Check the days....some of them are not having 24 hours.
Cheers......Anil Panciker
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