Learn "how to live LIFE KING Size "
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Believe in you:

Only right attitude people can uphold the truth " life gets better day by day". Form a devise in mind  "we are the captain of our ship & master of our destiny"  Never underestimate yourself. Everyone needs to understand the fact "you are not a drop in the ocean but the entire ocean in a drop". When life is as we think, what stops you from thinking positively. The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible & achieves the impossible. Friends, it is your journey & yours alone. Others may walk with you, but no one can walk it for you. 

Never Give up:

Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who wait & the best thing come to those who don’t give up. It's a proven fact that every bad situation  happens to you will have  3 choices: 

It can define you...... It can destroy you.....OR....It can strengthen you

It's very essential to understand  that "we are not a finished product but an unfinished one with work still in progress". Never stop learning because life never stops teaching. So never settle in life. Assessment of the situation is equally important to understand what exactly gone wrong. Do not look where you fell, but look where you slipped. The student in you should be alert all the time.  Lord Budha rightly said  when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. 

Keep a watch on Time:

Time is one of the most important factor in life. We say we waste time. That’s impossible. We waste ourselves. Friends, Time is stationary, only we come & go. If you are 30 years old, you only have less than 15000 days to live. If you are 40 years, you only have slightly above 10000 days to live. 

Use of TIME while TIME teaches us the value of TIME.  It is equally important that "you never put your time & energy on such things which doesn’t require any intelligence"

Trust in Creator:

Friends, this is a very important point. Every one of us should understand that there are few things which are beyond your comprehension. When creations are around, there should be a creator. Creations are nothing but the creator embedded. It is never too late to reconnect with your creator. Have an unconditional trust on him. He hears more than we say, gives more than we imagine... but in his own way.... So have faith. He has given us 86400 seconds a day. use ONE to say "thank you"


Cheers....Anil Panicker

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