Not everyone smiles at you is your FRIEND !!!

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“Pretending to be loyal” is an art, which few people around us have mastered over the years.  Such person never criticizes you ... but always motivates you to open up.  They know how to grab information’s from you. By showing too much of concerns, they make you feel comfortable & won’t leave till you indiscreet something, which actually should have been remained private or confidential. Those who are highly susceptible in both actions & emotions normally fall preys to such people. In return, they often provide you with ideas which are either bizarre or just pie in the sky. They stab you from your back & innocently ask why you are bleeding. These people won’t get satisfied until they sabotage someone else’s happiness. They won’t sleep until they wreck someone’s dreams.  

Whom you trust and tell your problems to? OR whom you confide to?

Might look less intricate but for proper understanding & analyzing, it certainly requires an intellect which is a level up. Never get influenced by such deceptive mentalities. 

But how do you identify them? Giving my two cents worth on this... Please take a moment… use your imagination to evaluate the same.  

Those who gossip: Those who gossip to you will certainly gossip about you. If you are so curious about others, please understand unwanted curiosity will & always kill the cat.

Those who hate challenges of life: People who don’t want to be challenged are involved in such ridiculous activities. You may feel their presence as a warm bed in cold water but the real smartness is to understand this motive as a real trap.

Not the least, but the last…

Never be too good to Life: Life requires certain quirkiness & kinkiness.  Life doesn’t happen to those people who are too good. Please understand, certain darkness is needed to see the stars. 

Cheers ...... Anil Panicker

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