There are many reasons to smile !!

As per me, the first thing one should do in the morning is to " smile" 

We often smile when something happens to others. Many a times those are of wry nature, which is neither good for the received nor the giver. I am talking about the Smile, which occurs when something happens well within you. 

Now let us discuss why to start the day with a smile: 

Are you aware the fact that 1 million out of 700 crores who goes to bed, never gets up to a next day morning.  You are not a part to it. Means the almighty has given you 24 hours of extension to your life. This could be the first reason to smile. 

Assuming 10 close relatives to those 1 million, means on daily basis, 10 million people are loosing their dear & near ones .  I am sure, you haven't received a bad news today. You have ample reason to smile again

Look out through your window. Could you see the Sun right up. Means the epitome of energy came up even today.  What will happen if sun doesn't come up. The entire planet will seize in less than 18 hours. I am not exaggerating. That's the power of the Sun. You have the biggest reason to smile once more.

Is there any collision in the entire cosmos. " Nothing", I am sure. I wouldn't be  blogging at this moment had there one. Everything is intact & wonderfully balanced. Can we have one more smile.  

These are biggest things for existence. Never take them for granted. 

It's not happy people who are thankful...It is thankful people who are happy....Let's have an attitude of gratitude... 

Cheers.........Anil Panicker


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