When it rains in Mumbai.... It really Rains !!!

Mumbai & Rains have a never ending love affair. This part of the world, rains are always a welcome change. It is heartening to see even trees sways their branches acknowledging the arrival of rains, which shows even they are desperately waiting for them. Everyone enjoys the start of monsoon here as it brings a much needed respite from the long tropical & humid climate, each Mumbaikar passed by.
We, the Mumbaikars never waste an opportunity to celebrate. For them, even the first drop of rain is also a celebration time. Children splashing water around....drenching & dancing in the rain by youngsters.....housewife's rushing out to pull dry clothes of the clothesline.... motorists, without rain coats and jackets occupying flyover underneaths....people without protections scurrying for cover....these are few of the lively images, one could witness during monsoon.
Raining time is considered as a time of understanding and compromising. Mumbai is perhaps the only place where being drenched is acceptable in offices. It's even considered as a sign of your tenacity. All vendors in Mumbai even accept wet currency notes because everyone knows, when it rains, there is no way you can keep them dry. All excuses are considered legit during this time.
What happens after couple of weeks? Rains becomes part and parcel of Mumbaikar's life. You will never find anyone out of house without an umbrella even if it seems it wont rain for the day. But we all know rain never comes with prior invitation; it always comes and invite.
The holidays are of two types here...
One; Every Mumbaikar even pray to rain god for couple of such days with torrential rains , where the entire offices & schools in Mumbai are closed. No surprise, This happens every year.
Two; When the intensity of rain increases, Mumbaikars naughtiness too increases. They will even plan to skip a day or two days work. It's an amazing feeling to take an extra siesta while it downpours. This gives a day for yourself. After a full day rest, towards evening, we even pray for rain to subside as well so that we could go out to have a masala CORN or Garmagaram (Hot) Bhajia or desi masala Tea from a street vendor.
Some are lucky enough to witness the dangerous waves of Arabian sea & few of them are fortunate to find a rainbow peeping out. The petrichor follows actually gives a wonderful feeling.
Thus in all aspect, rain makes Mumbai one of the most lovable place on this planet.
Lets enjoy the rains friends.....
Cheers..... Anil Panicker
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